Singing With Friends
An imaginative pop-folk-country-rock album--transfixes the listeners with catchy original animal story songs, special FX , "magic words", great vocals and instrumentals that transport listeners to lands full of magic and fun.
Genre: Kids/Family: Sing-Along/Interactive
Release Date: 2008
1. Singing With Friends
2. Lucy The Whale
3. Climbing up the Mountain
4. Di Di Dinosaur
5. Zelda the (Flying) Zebra
6. Kiki The KANGAROO
7. We Can Change the Colors
8. Happy and you Know it (parody)
9. Clapping Has The Magic
10. One For the Animals
11. Singing With Friends (Reprise)

Beautiful Planet
(Magical David's Beautiful Planet)
"Beautiful Planet" features songs that celebrate life on earth: how people, plants and animals share the earth's beauty, growing up, and the joys of learning. Folk/Country/Pop for Children and families.
Genre: Kids/Family: Kid Friendly
Release Date: 2003
1. When the Sun Comes Up
2. Magic Train
3. Climb On My Shoulders
4. Just the Way It Should Be
5. Up Up and Away
6. All One Family
7. Magical Musical World
8. I'm Growing Up
9. Every Day (We Learn Something Just for You)
10. Twinkle Jam
11. Beautiful Planet
12. When the Sun Goes Away

"Magical David's Singing With Friends is a masterpiece that "will transport your child to a world of imagination"
- Avon Holiday/Christmas Gift Catalogue
"When our new car was stolen our 4 yr old boy cried, not because the car was stolen mind you, but because the Magical David CD was inside!"
- NY Dad after a public concert